How to join the Silver Sneakers® program with Medicare

Medicare comparison

What is the Silver Sneakers® Program?

SilverSneakers is a fitness program designed for seniors to help them stay healthy and fit. The benefit can be found in many Medicare advantage or supplemental health plans, typically at no additional cost over the premium you already pay.

The Healthways SilverSneakers Fitness® program offers fitness classes targeted to seniors in participating gyms, fitness studios or YMCAs.

Currently more than 65 Medicare advantage plans nationwide offer SilverSneakers memberships at over 17,000 participating fitness locations as an additional benefit to their members. You may also participate in the program from the comfort of your home by joining online classes.

Millions of Medicare beneficiaries use it as a fun way to stay or become fit and healthy thus improving their overall health and lowering their health care expenses. Most participating fitness locations offer a variety of equipment and classes, specifically targeted to older adults in order to increase flexibility and agility. The classes are designed for all fitness levels and held by certified and specialized trainers. Some offer chair support, outdoor activities or even workshops about health and nutrition.

How to join Silver Sneakers®

To join the SilverSneaker program, you must be eligible for Medicare and have a Medicare advantage or supplemental insurance plan available to you that includes a Silver Sneakers membership.

Once you are enrolled in a participating health plan, you will receive a SilverSneakers ID card in the mail which you can use to sign up online or at any participating gym, fitness studio or YMCA.

SilverSneakers Medicare Health Plans and Locations

Original Medicare (Part A and B) does not include this benefit, but many additional Medicare health plans offered by private insurance companies do. To find out which Medicare Advantage or Supplemental insurance plans include a SilverSneakers membership, check out the company’s Medicare health plan locator. To find a participating fitness facility in your neighborhood visit the location list.

Which Medicare plans offer SilverSneakers?

Most leading insurance providers offer Medicare advantage or Medigap plans that participate in the Silver Sneakers program. It depends from your state and local area whether a plan is available to you.

Regular exercise has been found to help seniors to improve many conditions associated with aging, but make sure to ask your doctor before starting a fitness routine. In addition to a healthy workout, SilverSneakers is a great way for like-minded seniors to meet and socialize.

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